The promise of more…body, dance and the screen image
Portland Green
As part of Transaction (24-31 May, 2008), Munich
27 May, 5pm, Ampere
Taking its departure point from two quotes, one by Adam Roberts and the other by Tracy Warr this lecture/talk explored three themes: the notions of beauty, desire and the returned gaze, when filming/capturing dance on film/video; the separation of body and image on screen and the experiential potential of the space possessed by the projected representation of the body in video installations.
“We find something most beautiful (it seems to me), when there is always the promise of more, of the thing we look at being never quite exhausted after any number of encounters. ”
Adam Roberts, 2008
“..on screen, all bodies become avatars. It’s not necessary for the image to be graphic for the image of the body to be made an avatar”
Tracy Warr in a lecture for Performance on Screen, Bristol, 2008